"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." by: Robert Frost
I chose the less traveled path in life because I knew in my heart the same would be true for me. It is an understanding and practice I live by.
It is my Purpose to help you access your own Spirit, your own Truth. As a result, one begins to shine outwardly from within.
Skin care may of been my humble beginnings but Spirit has led me to assist much deeper then skin.
It's through energy work that I have truly seen people heal, reclaim their power, and begin to remember their Truth. Our Truth is known to us, at a higher level of consciousness. As we heal the layers of hurt, trauma, shadow and ego, we ascend in frequency and our memory of our True Self is able to be felt and remembered.
Science has proven to us that ALL is Energy. Energy creates Light and Light is the byproduct of Love.
Love holds everything together, the all of Creation, but we have forgotten this Truth.
In Japan, they teach that "Reiki is the hado (frequency) of Love". If this is true, then Spirit has given us Reiki to help bring our energy back into harmony and maybe one day we will all remember the this Truth.
Know that your Spirit/Soul has every answer to every question you could ever ask about your own life. You just have to remember how to access this part of yourself, your Higher Mind. This process begins when a person makes the commitment to heal, grow, and evolve towards self mastery and Truth.
"I NOW allow myself to be True to myself", is the affirmation I used. It led me DIRECTLY to the Truth of myself.
This process is profound, exciting, healing, and life affirming. Everything is already inside of you. It is my purpose to guide you to your own wisdom, your own knowing.
The more energy work one receives, over time, the more the energy body and mind upgrade that person and their life. This process is not one that happens over night. It requires intention, time, and patience and will be different for everyone.