Are your friends telling you about Reiki and you wanna see what its like? Lets give it a go. I'll explain: - What Reiki is - How we do a typical session - We will take a look at your elemental energy based off your birth chart; earth, air, fire, water. - Take a look at your numerology to help understand how you process information and feel energy. - How to open up and receive and then we will jump in.
120 min. $165 ($75 savings)
Stress, Anxiety, Monkey Mind, can't Relax
Our focus here is grounding and clearing your energy. We use essential oils based in the wood, herb, & resin family. Music at a low, relaxing hertz to help move the mind down into theta frequency. Full body hands-on energy work, 20 min. intake chat, 10 min. exit chat.
90 min. $165
Heavy, Lethargic, Depressed, Unmovitivated
Lemon and Rosemary have a way of pulling people up out of density. Rosemary is very similar to white sage, it has a purifying effect on the aura through inhalation and has a way of purifying the energy inside the body when applied through massage. Lemon essential oil is very brightening and uplifting. I have used this combination of essential oils for years when clients have come in feeling the blues. It works every time. I incorporate a 12 minute shoulder & neck massage along with a full body Reiki session. 20 min. check-in chat, 10 min. check-out chat.
Are you recovering from a medical procedure, postpartum, chronic hip, back, neck pain, migraine? This is a focused session on the areas needing comfort and assistance in speedy recovery along with the major joints and points of the body; crown, shoulders, hips, knees, feet.
60 min. $120
Active Energy Work
Life Activation & Healing
This session is similar to receiving an Initiation to becoming a Reiki practitioner, without becoming a Reiki practitioner. It places and activates the Reiki symbols into your Crown (destiny, connection to Spirit), Third Eye (seeing truth), Throat (speaking truth), Heart (intuition, purpose, mission, Soul's identity), Solar Plexus (will), Sacral (shadow, reclaiming innocence), Root (grounded, releasing fear).
Energy work is ALL about intention. Your intention, not mine. If you intend to be activated into your Truth, that is exactly what will create the energetics for your session. Your intention creates the outcome. I'm just the artist moving the energy around you have chosen to call in and putting it in the correct places to activate you into your intention.
It will activate your life purpose, which is held in the heart & crown chakra, and begin to bring you to your correct path. In 12 months you won't recognize yourself. There is no correct time line you should be following here. It's about getting quiet and starting to follow what feels correct for you. Depending on your level of control over you own mind will affect this process. The more you allow yourself to feel where you are being pulled the easier and swifter your life will course correct. If anything external or internal is blocking you from your purpose; trauma, shadow, self imposed limitations, unconscious/subconscious vows, addictions, unhealthy patterns, or unhealthy people, you will start to realize it.
Self realization is the key to Self-Mastery...
What ever is in the way of your Purpose, Mission, & Destiny will begin to come up so that you can understand that there are layers of things that need to be cleared if you choose Self-Mastery. Your Spirit will activate your blockages gradually, in a way you can handle it, so that you can work through it, integrate it, and rest.
Everyone's life is different, it will give you what you can handle if you intend that to be the case.
I don't recommend trying to go hard and heavy because that could leave you feeling devastated and not wanting to get out of bed. Healing can be gentle, as gentle as your Soul and Spirit will allow. It's only intense if you are intense about it.
When blockages get activated, it's letting you know that it is time to receive energy work to clear them out as they come up. All of the sessions below are designed to help you with the various different blockages that we experience in our lives when we are on our healing path to Self-Mastery.
2.5 Hr. $240 ($60 savings)
Customized Medicine Wheel
No idea what you need but want deeper, more active healing? Come as you are. With your permission, we will do a chakra reading to see what is currently active and wanting healing within your chakras.
This can lead us to any of the following types of Shamanic healing:
-Healing the younger Self -Spirit/Entity Release -Soul Retrieval -Shadow Work (unconscious programs and patterns) -Releasing Self Limiting Beliefs -Vow, Cord, Contract Release -Karma Understanding and Balancing
Chakra's, ideally, spin clockwise about the circumference of an apple and should have a peaceful spin. Sometimes they are closed, over or under active, and sometimes they spin counterclockwise when there is something deeper that wants and needs healing. You can watch as I test your chakras with a pendulum to see for yourself how they are spinning. Often, you will be able to feel physical sensations when we start to work with chakras. Once we locate the chakra that is going counterclockwise, we start there and begin clearing it out. I will tell you what I am able to read energetically from the chakra. It can be a specific emotion or a symbolic image that is likely tied to some event from the past that caused the imbalance in your energy field.
90/120 min. $165-$200
Healing & Reclaiming the Inner Child
We will call in your guides, guardians, angels, and power animal... all of them! Because to heal the younger-self, we need our entire team In-Spirit holding space, witnessing, and supporting us when we start to unpack the past. It's like having a stuffed animal party from our childhood. All your guardians will come to support and I guarantee, you will feel them if you commit to this work. There is a guided meditation we do in this protocol that I will guide you through. If you can't quiet your mind or relax, this is not typically where you wanna start your healing.
Allow yourself 2 hours for this, we never know how long something will take to release.
90/120 min. $165-$200 ($40 savings)
Shadow, Spirit, Soul
At a certain point, we must befriend the Shadow, release any lower/astral Spirit guides (many people call these demons, but they are just the shadow version of an angelic being trying to teach you something about the actions you are carrying out. These actions block us and try to keep us stuck in lower vibes, away from our light, happiness, & joy. These are the actions that keep us feeling guilt, shame, embarrassed, & small. Once we are free from lower vibration we can begin to feel our connection to our Spirit & Soul (which is always there but hard to feel when the energy around and in our bodies are dense). When we start to access our Soul we then begin to reclaim Soul fragments that may of left us due to trauma and shock. If you know the experience of shock, often it means that a part of our soul leaves the body and returns to the earth for safe keeping until we are ready to heal and reclaim it.
The ego is really good at making contracts, vows, and creating self-imposed limitations as a way of protecting us. They are useful for a time but they become major hurdles that make us feel like we've hit a wall in life and can't get any further. Vows such as "I'll never trust men again" or "I hate being a child" or "It's not safe for me to speak up". We carry these from life time to life time and I have witnessed a fair amount of past live vows active in the throat chakra. They have to go. We need our energy un-bounded so that we can have full access to everything we are meant to be in the here and now.